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Robing Hood Foundation NYC

What Is The Robin Hood Foundation?

The mission of Robin Hood is immensely powerful in its simplicity: To fight poverty in New York City.

The foundation’s goal is to keep everyone that lives in the United States free from hunger, poverty, and other hardships. Many different people receive the help they need through the foundation every year because of their generous donations.

According to their mission statement, “the Robin Hood Foundation supports the common good of the society and helps build bridges, create jobs, and improve life for those who need it most.” Their work is one of kindness, charity and compassion.

What Does Robin Hood Do?

Robin Hood is New York City’s largest poverty fighting organization. Founded in 1988, Robin Hood has created and funded programs and schools in New York City’s most at-risk neighborhoods. Programs funded by Robin Hood have produced meaningful and measurable results in individual lives as well as collective communities. Focusing on broad areas of need, Robin Hood has developed programs to address to following:

  • Education Opportunity– Education is known to be a poverty prevention tool which is why Robin Hood supports schools in the poorest neighborhoods.
  • Jobs and Economic Security– Assisting the previously unemployable to break down the barriers of unemployment, Robin Hood is dedicated to ensuring economic stability within low income neighborhoods.
  • Early Childhood and Youth Development– Working with young people to provide the necessary building blocks for proper development, Robin Hood ensures that the cycle of poverty does not continue.
  • Survival– Addressing immediate needs of health care and hunger are critical; however, Robin Hood continues to provide ongoing support and services following a crisis.

The Robin Hood foundation works with many organizations to provide help to the less fortunate. In order to receive funds from the foundation, organizations must prove that they are providing assistance to the needy. This is usually done through a government or federal grant, but may be done by volunteers if the organization can prove their self worth.

With this many different organizations and individuals being assisted by the foundation, it is no surprise that many people give to the foundation. Each year, they distribute over millions to organizations in New York that have an interest in helping the needy.

The foundation also provides a large number of scholarships to help those who are in need of education. These scholarships are provided to students who may have been forced out of their homes due to a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster.

What Makes Robin Hood Different?

A few important and distinguishing factors differentiate Robin Hood from typical non-profit organizations:

  • Metrics– Referred to as “Relentless Monetization,” Robin Hood has developed proprietary metrics for evaluating how to generate the maximum effectiveness per dollar. In 2013, over $126 million dollars was granted to only 200 organizations identified as being the most effective organizations fighting poverty on the front lines. The metrics, which were developed in the late 1980’s, have been identified as becoming the standard of philanthropy best practices.
  • Financials– Managed by a distinguished Board of Directors, 100% of money raised for Robin Hood is applied directly towards fighting poverty. All administrative and fund raising costs are paid for by the Board of Directors. Unaudited as well as audited financial statements are routinely published so as to provide complete financial transparency.
  • Staff- Staff members at Robin Hood are Ph.D’s, attorneys, management experts and former executive directors. They bring a variety of experience and grassroots ideas together as they work together for a more promising New York City future.

Who Does Robin Hood Help?


Following a difficult divorce, Marisol was poverty stricken and was forced to send her children to live with family until she was able to care for them. Through a program funded by Robin Hood, Marisol was provided training to become a truck driver and earn more than she has even earned. Her family is reunited and her children are proud to tell their friends that their mom is a truck driver.


Raised by a drug addicted mother, Samuel was eventually removed from his home and separated from his siblings. Finding himself homeless at 18 years of age, Samuel was able to find housing and educational services through a program funded by Robin Hood and he is now enrolling in graduate school and purchasing his first home.

GeorgeHomeless Man Sleeping On The Street

Homeless for thirty years, George resorted to alcohol and drug addiction. One day he was approached by a program focused on helping the homeless to secure food and shelter. George enrolled in the program, which is funded by Robin Hood. Today, George is proud to invite guests inside his home to relax and share a meal.

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