Simon’s Heart – A Healthy Heart Fund
One of the most important things to monitor is the condition of your heart. By checking your heart rate and eating the right foods, you can decrease your chances of having heart-related problems. One organization that is dedicated to this cause of ensuring hearts are healthy is Simon’s Heart.
The Beginnings Of Simon’s Heart
Simon’s Heart was established in 2005 in memory of Simon, who was the son of Phyllis and Darren Sudman. Just months after his birth, Simon passed away suddenly. While it was believed that he died from SIDS, doctors suggested that Simon’s parents get precautionary heart tests, as this would alert them to potential congenital concerns that could affect Simon’s 2-year-old sister, Sally.
Indeed, those heart tests diagnosed Phyllis with Long QT Syndrome, a condition that can lead to unexpected cardiac arrest in children, so it’s believed this could have also affected Simon. From their tragedy, the Sudmans went on to found Simon’s Heart, not just in memory of their own son, but because they knew they had to spread awareness about different heart problems, so families in the future will be able to act accordingly.

Simon’s Heart Mission
It is Simon’s Fund’s mission to ensure children are healthy and that they are not subject to premature death. They do this by providing awareness of conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death.
How To Get Involved
There are many ways you can get involved in this nonprofit. Simon Says Run is a way for families and friends to come together and spread awareness about different heart conditions. There is a 5K, a family walk, and even relay races. While learning about different conditions, you will be able to have fun and enjoy being active.
The annual fundraiser is also a great way to get involved. A party is thrown for everyone, where people try to raise a lot of money. This money is used for Simon’s Fund, helping families who are experiencing heart problems.
If you like, you can make a donation to this charity. Every penny counts, and it helps save the lives of children. You can even get involved in this charity by volunteering. Even if you volunteer just one hour a week, it helps the organization tremendously. Also, if you are a medical professional, you can help out with the screenings, helping children know if their heart is healthy. Thanks to this nonprofit, families will know more about heart conditions and ways to prevent them.